Isaikina Mariia

Isaikina Mariia

Isaikina Mariia - преподаватель английского языка в American Club of Education ✔

Being a professionally trained English&German teacher with over 12 years of experience, CPE C2 (native speaker level, BEC C1, INTESOL 220 hours + Business English, CELTA preparation course) I also design tailor-made courses and lessons for the needs of my students (IT, Medical English, Finances, Real Estate, Cryprocurrency).

It's worth mentioning that I highly prioritize the current needs of the students integrating the specifics of the industry or field where they are employed into the lessons to make them more customized. Particularly for the students thriving to get the opportunities to study in abroad I prepare engaging lessons to prepare them to Cambridge exams, IELTS or TOEFL or language interview as well as motivational letters.

As quite a frequent traveller (I used to study and live in the USA and Germany) I am also quite knowledgeable about the culture and customs of the target language countries and I always organize the lessons related to it to familiarise my students with the modern culture of the USA and the UK. Definitely they can feel quite a unique, supportive and encouraging environment at my lessons that make them dream bigger and pursue their goals.

  • Опыт преподавательской деятельности: 13 лет
  • Образование: Moscow state open university, Heidelberg academy of foreign languages, Akzent International house Prague (CELTA)
  • Интересы: I am really passionate about traveling, learning about cultures and traditions of different countries, apart from this I'm quite interested in UX UI design in the sphere of online courses design. At this moment I'm completing one of them.
  • Ключевые навыки: General English; Spoken English; Business English; Preparation for TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, CAE, CPE, ЕГЭ; Medical English; Gas and oil English; English for IT; Legal English; English for Tourism; Aviation English; English for presentations; Preparing for interview; English for Advertising and Marketing; English for HR; Cryptocurrency English.
  • Личные качества: I would consider myself being quite passionate about my job and particularly course designing. What my students get apart from the opportinities to learn English or German is very encouraging atmosphere that help them push themselves to the limits
  • Что привлекает в профессии преподавателя английского: I would say the ability to break the stereotypes and cliches in language learning since a lot of my students come to my classes with some negative experience.
Isaikina Mariia - преподаватель английского языка в American Club of Education ✔

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